Friday, November 11, 2016

Fourth Tier South Texas College of Law Changes Its Name Yet Again, for Second Time Within the Last Five Months

What’s in a Name?: On November 7, 2016, the Houston Chronicle published a piece from Gabrielle Banks, under the headline “Another new name announced for Houston law school.” Check out this opening:

“The dean of Houston's 93-year-old law school announced Monday morning the school will henceforth be known as South Texas College of Law Houston, on the heels of an injunction by a federal judge barring the school from using the name Houston College of Law while a trademark suit played out in court. 

The new name is designed to avoid confusion with the University of Houston's Law Center while still helping potential students find the Houston-based law school. 

Just after South Texas College of Law announced its Houston-focused name in June, the University of Houston regents sued for trademark infringement.

UH attorneys argued that those interested in their institution had become confused about with school was which when viewing the new branding at college fairs and online.

In mid-October U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison found that UH had a strong likelihood of prevailing at trial on the grounds that the new law school name prominently featuring the words Houston and Law along with a new red-and-white color scheme were likely to confuse consumers in the marketplace. The judge upheld UH's motion for an injunction.

At a subsequent hearing before Judge Ellison, Houston College of Law's attorneys acquiesced, agreeing to take down billboards and banners and revise Internet and letterhead branding. The attorneys said the school would share its new name confidentially with lawyers for UH Friday, and the parties complied with that agreement. If UH didn't see the proposed name as problematic, the downtown law school would move forward.

"We agreed to it and we don't have any problems with it at all," said Dona Cornell, general counsel for UH. As for the lawsuit, Cornell said, "I totally anticipate its going to be over in very short order." [Emphasis mine]

Who wouldn’t want to attend a cesspool named $ouTTTTh TTTTexa$ Commode of Law Hou$TTTTon?!?! Hell, senior centers are more selective in who they admit than this steaming pile of excrement! Furthermore, the bathroom stalls at old age homes smell better than a degree from this toilet.

Prior Name Change in June 2016: Back on June 23, 2016, Above the Law featured a Kathryn Rubino entry labeled “Law School’s Name Change Sparks Ire, Potential Lawsuit.” Take a look at this portion:

“Just yesterday we told you about South Texas College of Law’s decision to change its name to Houston College of Law. The only problem? A little less than four miles away there is already a University of Houston Law Center, and they share the same red school color. 

Tipsters and folks on social media had an immediate reaction, nearly all of it negative. Changing your school’s name after 93 years is bound to be controversial, especially when there is a good chance the school could be confused with one significantly ahead of it in the U.S. News and World Report Rankings.” 

And now, the University of Houston Law Center is weighing in on the issue. They are not pleased. From Dean Leonard Baynes: 

It has come to the University of Houston’s attention that South Texas College of Law has announced that it is changing its name to Houston College of Law. The University of Houston Law Center has an established history of nearly 70 years in the City of Houston. The University of Houston is concerned about the significant confusion this creates in the marketplace and will take any and all appropriate legal actions to protect the interests of our institution, our brand and our standing in the communities we serve.” [Emphasis mine]

I’m sure it was a mere set of coincidences the pigs initially changed their name to Houston College of Law – and amended the school colors to match those of the University of Houston. What are the odds? Then again, I suppose the $TTTTCL cockroaches felt they could claim that this was an “error.”

Ranking: As you can see, $ouTTTTh TTTTexa$ Commode of Law-Hou$TTTTon is rated as a FOURTH TIER TRASH CAN, by US “News” & World Report. What a great distinction, huh?!?! Perhaps, the dolts only wanted to change their name to Houston COL in order to be placed earlier in the Rank Not Published section – since those garbage pits are listed alphabetically.

Conclusion: Avoid this cesspool at all costs, despite whatever name changes it undergoes in the next several months or years, lemming. In the final analysis, a TTTT law degree isn’t worth the paper it is printed on, fool. Case in point: full-time tuition at this ABA-accredited dung heap stands at $30,600 – for the 2016-2017 academic year. Have fun trying to repay back massive amounts of NON-DISCHARGEABLE debt, when you are relegated to jobs making $45K or less, per year, Bitch! Does that strike you as a wise investment, Stupid?!?!

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